Assalamualaikum wbt.
hi there, howya doin every people. RU good? yeah..
i am inspired lah by the latest show - Oh My English kat astro TVIQ channel 610 tu kan. haa . that is why la today i want to talk talk pasal bahasa inggeris, because as we ols know , hoo almost every Malaysians speak rojak-mojak Manglish ala retis-retis in the malay dramas kat telebesen tu kan. so, i want too lah !
kat bawah tu is my jiran,
her name is kak tipah. the propa feet at my kampung cherang lali, tanah merah-kelantan.
as you ols can see lah, she loves to eat kimchi all the time you ols. all she thinks is korea.. korea. she even speak korea with me but sadly laa kak tipah, sepatah haram i don't understand what she said. i sometimes is confused whether kak tipah propa is healthy or sick ? even on the sunny day at sun terpacak on our head ni pun she is wear the feather-meather around her neck. oh-my-kimchi kak tipah, how many baldi you sweat, i don't know. this is Malaysia kak tipah, not South Korea.
after i mandrem my neighbour daughter. she sleep lah for 3 minit. okay, for Oh! My English Astro TVIQ inspired post, kak tipah will take over blog neighbour daughter kak tipah ni. you don't tell her pulak, kang... kak tipah die slice by her !
haaa, you ols. today kak tipah will teach you how to make the kerbau-eye fried eggs ok.
hi there, howya doin every people. RU good? yeah..
i am inspired lah by the latest show - Oh My English kat astro TVIQ channel 610 tu kan. haa . that is why la today i want to talk talk pasal bahasa inggeris, because as we ols know , hoo almost every Malaysians speak rojak-mojak Manglish ala retis-retis in the malay dramas kat telebesen tu kan. so, i want too lah !
kat bawah tu is my jiran,
her name is kak tipah. the propa feet at my kampung cherang lali, tanah merah-kelantan.
as you ols can see lah, she loves to eat kimchi all the time you ols. all she thinks is korea.. korea. she even speak korea with me but sadly laa kak tipah, sepatah haram i don't understand what she said. i sometimes is confused whether kak tipah propa is healthy or sick ? even on the sunny day at sun terpacak on our head ni pun she is wear the feather-meather around her neck. oh-my-kimchi kak tipah, how many baldi you sweat, i don't know. this is Malaysia kak tipah, not South Korea.
after i mandrem my neighbour daughter. she sleep lah for 3 minit. okay, for Oh! My English Astro TVIQ inspired post, kak tipah will take over blog neighbour daughter kak tipah ni. you don't tell her pulak, kang... kak tipah die slice by her !
haaa, you ols. today kak tipah will teach you how to make the kerbau-eye fried eggs ok.
- haa, of course lah you need eggs to fry it right, if not, not la they give name as kerbau-eye fried eggs ye dok ?
you see ? open the peti sejuk and find your eggs. if no eggs in the peti sejuk , that's mean your mak doesn't buy laa at pasar tani at the morning..
2. haa, if you got your eggs - you go take the kuali and open the fire to heat it, then throw oil in the kuali. then, until your egg is cook already, so you can eat happily laa kan.
as all Malaysians do, we put the kicap sauce brand cap kipas udang on the top of the fried egg, and we eat it with the rice lah. and also, don't forget to put air masak at tepi you lah to avoid you from tercekik. but before that, read bismillah and doa makan.. don't forget it you ols.
3 . after you finish eat, then you should wash it using washing disher and tap water lah ye, don't just tinggal in the sink like that,
if you tinggal, then 2 hours later, mak you ols will come and lekuk your head lah. so, tomorrow, when you go out - you go out with the benjolan-benjolan on your head sekali lah. ok ? understand . till then, kak tipah has to go out and sleep dulu, laki kak tipah is calling kak tipah already. haaa, later - kak tipah will come with shiny-shiny things and bling-bling all that lah ye.
maybe kak tipah will upload Gee's dance that kak tipah dance with gegirls at kampung cherang lali that day. you don't forget to wait ok.? goodbye baby . lululululu
mengong nurul.. xucap tahniah pon kat aku. sampai hati. dah la x dtg konvo aku! huh! =(